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October 21, 2023

Unveiling Design Magazine #3

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On the occasion of Homa Canton Fair Event, the 'must-attend' gathering we we've proudly upheld since 2014, taking place every 16th of April and 16th of October, a true global nexus, bringing together industry titans, visionary entrepreneurs, savvy marketers, discerning buyers, and experts from around the world.

It was the perfect moment to unveil the third edition of the Homa Design Magazine.
The first two releases received an enthusiastic reception from our partners, clients, and associates, leaving us both thrilled and humbled by the overwhelmingly positive appreciation.

You can dive into the new editorial by following this link.
It's a compelling read that showcases our commitment to excellence and innovation in the industry.

Copyright HOMA 2023- Issued by Homa Marketing dept. on October 2023
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