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September 29, 2023

Home sweet silent home

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Noise can be harmful for people. The growing attention towards health issues is encouraging consumers to look for a better quality of domestic life, and choose high-performing appliances, more efficient and less noisy.

The home has taken on an undiscussed central role in our lives. It is a protected space where many of the activities once carried out outside are now taking place: work, leisure, socialising. We are all more aware of our wellbeing needs and are paying a lot more attention to these issues when purchasing items destined to our homes. When it comes to home appliances, this trend translates into a growing demand for more efficient, high-performing, user-friendly and, as a latest addition to this wish-list, silent products. Among the factors impacting our living spaces’ wellbeing, excessive noise certainly contributes to raising the level of stress, with all its consequences on our health.

Major players in the industry, always on the lookout for emerging trends, have discovered this increased sensitivity on the part of consumers and are fielding new products which address their customers’ concerns: guaranteed performance, increased energy efficiency, and lower levels of noise. Energy consumption, noise emissions and other parameters are the criteria adopted by the EU for the new energy labels on home appliances.

The measured values rate the performance of each device and serve as a reference for consumers to make an informed choice. Such labels also encourage makers to improve their products and make them more competitive.

Excessive noise emissions negatively impact the health of individuals,as confirmed by the World Health Organisation, which identifies noise pollution as the second cause forhealth problems just after atmospheric pollution by particulate matter. Also, the European Environment Agency considers that ambient noise puts the health of millions of people at risk.Long term exposure to noise pollution sources can lead to several issues: from nervousness to sleep disorders, to metabolic and cardiovascular troubles, to cognitive disturbances in children. Noise pollution principally concerns non- domestic environments: the constant noise of traffic, industrial activity and so forth.
All the more reason homes are increasingly regarded as safe havens of peace and quiet. Better insulationin constructions, mainly for energy- efficiency purposes, has also provided protection from external disturbances, but as a result, the noise produced by domestic appliances becomes more noticeable, and bothersome: washing- machines, dishwashers, and especially refrigerators, can become a real nuisance.


In our homes, the refrigerator is the only appliance that works 24/7.
Thanks to latest innovation such Inverter Compressors, the more modern units produce a little more than a slight hum. Some models are so silent they can hardly be heard at all, with noise levels between 30 and 40 dB which are reached only when the compressor is activated. This happens when the refrigerator needs to restore the optimal temperature inside the cavity for the correct preservation of food.
Another component that can generate noise is the ventilation system, a useful feature that guarantees the even distribution of cool inside the fridge.
For this reason, we have developed and innovated at Homa, introducing a proprietary technology that seamlessly integrates the system. Our latest cooling solution is called 'Homa Sync & Adapt Technology.' It is fully synchronised with the inverter compressor and centrifugal fan and utilises an excellent conductor: the exclusively designed “uniboard” powered by AI. This innovative solution features our best total no-frost platforms.

Compared to the past, and along with the progress made on the energy-efficiency front, noise- levels of refrigerators have significantly decreased.
Global trends in industrial design, and most of all EU regulations on energy-efficiency, are driving makers to produce appliances that comply with the new standards. The European energy label rates the performance of an appliance in terms of both energy-efficiency and noise emissions.
The system is widely recognised by consumers (8 on 10 European consumer based on latest data), allowing them to better compare products when purchasing a new appliance. It also encourages makers to improve their products and make them more competitive.
Better sound performance is principally due to the use of advanced components such as latest generation compressors and ventilation systems, as well as inverter technology and high-grade insulating materials, like polyurethane rigid foam, in addition to specific solutions to absorb vibrations. In general, solutions that contribute to a higher energy-efficiency performance tend to reduce the frequency of refrigeration cycles: because of the reduced thermal dispersion and a more consistent and even temperature within the appliance, the compressor kicks in less frequently, hence the significant reduction of sound emissions.


UE legislation regarding energy labelling and eco-design, considered as cutting edge on the world scene, contributes to improving the energy efficiency of products on the EU market, fostering the weeding out of poorly performing models. In addition to energy-efficiency and performance of the product, the new energy label gives clear information about the noise emission levels of an appliance, expressed in decibels, dB(A), and rated on an A to D noise- emission scale:


Class A        below 30 dB(A)
Class B        30 to 36 dB(A)
Class C        36 to 42 dB(A)
Class D        above 42 dB(A)

Source: Official Journal of the European Union: COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2019/2016 of March 11, 2019.

Would you like to delve deeper and uncover the latest developments in these areas?
Here are two incredibly intriguing links for you:

1) 20/09/2024 New Energy Efficiency Directive published.
The new directive introduces a series of measures to help accelerate energy efficiency, including embracing the “energy efficiency first” principle in the energy and non-energy policies marks the final step in the legislative process that started with the Commission proposal in July 2021, as part of the ‘Fit f or 55’ package, which was supplemented by an additional proposal as part of the REPowerEU plan in May 2022.
Link here for the full information.

2) How to read the energy label on appliances
Link Here for more.

Copyright HOMA 2023 Issued by Homa Marketing dept. on September 2023
For further Information and Press

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